Independence Day & the fabric that got us here.
Levi's denim, the fabric of my life. The Red Tab on the cloth woven of indigo & white threads. It's as Americana as the Statue that welcomed my family.
Immigrant merchant, Levi Strauss, dressed a revolution en route to gold. Cleverly, he added a rivet at the crotch to increase the durability of his pants and the rest, well, it's history. Our history--made in American, worn by miners, Rosie the Riveter, Marilyn Monroe & Marlon Brando.
The yellow represents the San Francisco Friends School which resides
in the once-buzzing (& very yellow) Levi's factory.
A Quaker school--the stellar participants in our Independence from England.
The stripes, pick-stitched cottons, tiny ginghams, tattersols & seersuckers are as Americana as our "freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances".
Happy 4th of July--celebrating & honoring our greatness
by remembering our history.
collage & photo by Beth Miles copyright 2016